Purchase Terms and Right of Withdrawal

Purchase Terms

This purchase is regulated by the following standard terms and conditions for consumer purchases of goods over the Internet. Consumer purchase refers to the sale of goods to a consumer who does not primarily act as part of a business, and when the seller engages in business activities involving the sale of goods over the internet. The contract has been prepared and recommended for use by the Consumer Ombudsman. Consumer purchases over the Internet are primarily governed by the Contracts Act, the Consumer Purchase Act, the Marketing Act, the Right of Withdrawal Act, and the E-commerce Act, and these laws provide consumers with non-negotiable rights. The terms of the contract should not be understood as limiting the statutory rights, but rather set out the main rights and obligations of the parties for the transaction. The seller may choose to offer the buyer better terms than those stated in these terms and conditions. In cases where the contract does not provide a direct solution to a specific issue, it must be supplemented with relevant statutory provisions.

The agreement between the buyer and the seller consists of the information provided by the seller about the purchase in the ordering solution in the online store (including information about the nature of the product, quantity, quality, other characteristics, price, and delivery conditions), any direct correspondence between the parties (such as email), and these terms and conditions. In the event of a conflict between the information provided by the seller about the purchase in the ordering solution in the online store, direct correspondence between the parties, and the terms and conditions of sale, the direct correspondence between the parties and the information provided in the ordering solution shall prevail over the terms and conditions, unless it contradicts binding legislation. Ravnø’s online store cannot enter into agreements with minors without parental approval. A binding purchase agreement can only be entered into with individuals over 18 years of age.

The Parties
Company: Ravnø AS
Address: Ravnø AS, Elvevegen 1, 7670 Inderøy, NORWAY
E-mail: post@ravno.no
Cell: 481 57 744
Taxnummer: 916 809 697 mva.

The buyer is the person placing the order.

The prices stated in the online store include value-added tax (VAT). Ravnø reserves the right to pricing errors in the online store. Information about the total costs that the buyer must pay, including all fees (VAT, customs duties, etc.) and delivery costs (shipping, postage, invoice fees, packaging, etc.), as well as a breakdown of the individual elements of the total price, will be provided in the ordering solution before placing the order.


The agreement is binding for both parties when the buyer’s order is received by the seller. However, a party is not bound by the agreement if there have been any typographical or clerical errors in the offer from the seller in the ordering solution in the online store or in the buyer’s order, and the other party realized or should have realized such an error. Ravnø’s online store also reserves the right to out-of-stock items, but undertakes to inform the customer, either by email or by phone, as soon as we become aware of it.

Order Confirmation: When the seller has received the buyer’s order, the seller shall promptly confirm the order by sending an order confirmation to the buyer. It is recommended that the buyer verifies that the order confirmation corresponds to the order in terms of quantity, product type, price, etc. If there is any discrepancy between the order and the order confirmation, the buyer should contact the seller as soon as possible.


The seller may request payment for the goods at the time of ordering. If the buyer uses a credit card for payment, the seller may reserve the purchase amount on the card at the time of ordering.
See the Norwegian Value Added Tax Act of 19 June 1969, Section 16, Paragraph 2. A credit card is a payment card where the settlement for the purchase occurs afterwards, with the credit provider (credit card company) sending the cardholder an invoice for payment. A debit card is a payment card linked to a deposit account. The use of the card results in the user’s account being debited, and the amount is transferred to the payee’s account. When paying with a credit card, the Credit Purchase Act, etc. will apply.

Please note that the package will be held at the post office for 14 days after receipt. If you do not collect the package within this time and it is returned to us, we will invoice you for the round-trip shipping and handling costs. Currently, this amount is set at 500 Norwegian kroner.


Delivery of the goods from the seller to the buyer shall be made in the manner and to the location specified in the ordering process on the online store. If the delivery time is not stated in the ordering process, the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer within a reasonable time, which is normally 5-9 business days and no later than 30 days after the order is received. If Ravnø is unable to deliver within the agreed time, the buyer shall be promptly informed of the reason for the delay and the new delivery time. The buyer then has the right to cancel the purchase at no cost or request a substitute item from the seller. If the buyer does not accept the new delivery time for delayed delivery, the purchase shall be refunded within 30 days.

If the seller is responsible for shipping the goods to the buyer, the seller is obligated to arrange for the goods to be transported to the specified destination in an appropriate manner and under the usual conditions for such transportation. The destination is the buyer’s location unless otherwise specifically agreed between the parties.

The risk of the goods passes to the buyer when the goods are taken over by the buyer in accordance with the agreement. If the delivery time has arrived and the buyer fails to take possession of a goods made available to him or her under the agreement, the buyer still bears the risk of loss or damage resulting from the characteristics of the goods themselves.

Risikoen for varen
Risikoen for varen går over på kjøperen når tingen er overtatt av kjøperen i henhold til avtalen. Hvis leveringstiden er kommet og kjøperen unnlater å overta en vare som er stilt til hans eller hennes rådighet etter avtalen, har kjøperen likevel risikoen for tap eller skade som skyldes egenskaper ved varen selv.


Kjøperen kan angre kjøpet av varen etter angrerettslovens bestemmelser. Angrerettsskjema følger bekreftelses e-post ved kjøp. (Sjekk spamfilter på e-post)

Returvarer sendes til

RAVNØ LAGER, LIAN, Skjørlandsvegen 250, 7863, Overhalla

Salgsvarer/Tilbudsvarer refunderes ikke, – det er kun anledning til å bytte størrelser!

Angrerett innebærer at kjøperen uten grunn kan returnere varen til selgeren selv om det ikke er noen mangel ved den og selv om den ikke er levert. Kjøperen må gi selger melding om bruk av angreretten innen 14 dager etter at varen, de foreskrevne opplysninger om angreretten og angrerettsskjema er mottatt. Mottar kjøperen angreskjema og de nødvendige opplysningene på et senere tidspunkt enn ved levering av varen, begynner angrefristen å løpe fra den dagen kjøperen mottar angrerettsskjema og opplysningene.

The buyer has the right to cancel the purchase of the goods in accordance with the provisions of the right of withdrawal.

Returned goods should be sent to:

RAVNØ WAREHOUSE, LIAN, Skjørlandsvegen 250, 7863, Overhalla, NORWAY

Sale items/Discounted items are non-refundable – only exchange of sizes is allowed!

The right of withdrawal means that the buyer can return the goods to the seller without any reason, even if there is no defect in the goods and even if they have not been delivered. The buyer must notify the seller of the use of the right of withdrawal within 14 days after receiving the goods, the prescribed information about the right of withdrawal, and the withdrawal form. If the buyer receives the withdrawal form and the necessary information at a later date than the delivery of the goods, the withdrawal period starts from the day the buyer receives the withdrawal form and the information.

Angreretten utvides til 12 måneder etter utløpet av den opprinnelige fristen dersom forbrukeren ikke har mottatt opplysning om at det foreligger angrerett og standarisert angreskjema. Tilsvarende gjelder ved manglende opplysning om vilkår, tidsfrister og fremgangsmåte for å benytte seg av angreretten. Sørger den næringsdrivende for å gi opplysningene i løpet av disse 12 månedene, utløper angrefristen likevel 100 dager etter den dagen kjøperen mottok opplysningene, jf. angrettloven § 21 jf. § 8 førte ledd bokstav H.

The right of withdrawal is extended to 12 months after the expiration of the original deadline if the consumer has not been informed of the existence of the right of withdrawal and provided with a standardized withdrawal form. The same applies in case of missing information about the conditions, deadlines, and procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal. If the business provides the necessary information within these 12 months, the withdrawal period expires 100 days after the day the buyer received the information, pursuant to the Right of Withdrawal Act § 21, cf. § 8, first paragraph, letter H.


Produkter som ullundertøy kan kun returneres dersom emballasjeforsegling ikke er brutt.

Meldingen fra kjøper til selger om bruk av angreretten bør av bevishensyn være skriftlig (angrerettsskjema, e-post, telefaks eller brev), og den må inneholde opplysninger om hvordan kjøperen vil returnere varen til selgeren.
Jf. mønsteravtale utarbeidet av det felles kontraktsutvalget for Sparebankforeningens og Finansnæringens hovedorganisasjon – Avtalevilkår for kredittkort og faktureringskort – forbrukerforhold punkt 12 og mønstervilkår utarbeidet av Sparebankforeningen og Finansnæringens hovedorganisasjon for betalingskort punkt 11. 5 Lov av 21. juni 1985 nr. 82 om kredittkjøp m.m. Personer under 18 år kan kun betale på de nevnte måter ettersom de ikke kan stifte gjeld jf. lov av 22. april 1927 om vergemål for umyndige (vgml.) § 2. Lov av 20. juni 2014 nr. 27 om opplysningsplikt og angrerett ved fjernsalg og salg utenfor fast utsalgssted (angrerettloven).

Ved bruk av angreretten må varen leveres tilbake til selgeren innen rimelig tid. Selgeren er forpliktet til å tilbakebetale hele kjøpesummen til kjøperen innen 14 dager fra den dag selgeren mottar varen eller henteseddel eller varen er stilt til selgerens rådighet. Kunden er selv ansvarlig for å dekke returkostnadene.
Kjøperen kan undersøke produktet før han eller hun angrer på kjøpet. Varen må likevel kunne leveres tilbake til selgeren i samme stand og mengde som den var i da kjøperen mottok den. Kjøperen bør sende varen tilbake til selgeren i originalemballasjen hvis dette er mulig.

Intimate Products.

Products such as wool underwear can only be returned if the packaging seal has not been broken.

The buyer’s notification to the seller regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal should, for evidential purposes, be in writing (withdrawal form, email, fax, or letter) and must include information on how the buyer intends to return the item to the seller.
In accordance with the model agreement prepared by the Joint Contract Committee for the Savings Banks Association and the Financial Industry’s main organization – Terms and Conditions for Credit Cards and Billing Cards – Consumer Relations, clause 12, and model terms and conditions prepared by the Savings Banks Association and the Financial Industry’s main organization for payment cards, clause 11.
5 Act of 21 June 1985 no. 82 on credit purchases, etc. Persons under 18 years of age can only pay by the mentioned methods as they cannot incur debt according to the Act of 22 April 1927 on guardianship for minors, section 2. Act of 20 June 2014 no. 27 on disclosure obligations and the right of withdrawal for distance sales and sales outside of fixed retail premises (Right of Withdrawal Act).

When exercising the right of withdrawal, the item must be returned to the seller within a reasonable time. The seller is obligated to refund the full purchase amount to the buyer within 14 days from the day the seller receives the item or the return receipt or when the item is made available to the seller. The customer is responsible for covering the return costs.
The buyer may inspect the product before exercising the right of withdrawal. However, the item must still be able to be returned to the seller in the same condition and quantity as when the buyer received it. If possible, the buyer should return the item to the seller in its original packaging.

Klikk her for å laste ned angrerettskjemaet

Click here to download the withdrawal form.

Undersøkelse av varen

Når kjøperen mottar varen, anbefales det at han eller hun i rimelig utstrekning undersøker om den er i samsvar med bestillingen, om den har blitt skadet under transporten eller om den ellers har mangler. Hvis varen ikke samsvarer med bestillingen eller har mangler, må kjøperen melde fra til selgeren ved reklamasjon jf. kontraktens punkt 10.

Reklamasjon ved mangel og frist for å melde krav ved forsinkelse

Dersom det foreligger en mangel ved varen, må kjøperen innen rimelig tid etter at han eller hun oppdaget den, gi selgeren melding om at han eller hun vil påberope seg mangelen. Fristen kan aldri være kortere enn to måneder fra det tidspunkt da forbrukeren oppdaget mangelen. Reklamasjon må likevel skje senest seks måneder etter at kjøperen overtok varen.

Ved forsinkelse må krav rettes selger innen rimelig tid etter at leveringstiden er kommet og varen ikke er levert. Dersom varen er betalt med kredittkort, kan kjøperen også velge å reklamere og sende krav direkte til kredittyter (kredittkortselskapet).
 Meldingen til selgeren eller kredittyter bør være skriftlig (e-post, telefaks eller brev).
Lov av 21. juni 1985 nr. 82 om kredittkjøp m.m. § 8.

Lurer du på noe? Ta kontakt med oss, så hjelper vi deg så godt vi kan.

Examination of the Product

Upon receiving the product, it is recommended that the buyer, to a reasonable extent, examines whether it conforms to the order, whether it has been damaged during transportation, or if it otherwise has any defects. If the product does not conform to the order or has defects, the buyer must notify the seller through a complaint in accordance with clause 10 of the contract.

Complaints for Defects and Deadline for Notifying Claims for Delay

If there is a defect in the product, the buyer must, within a reasonable time after discovering it, notify the seller that they will invoke the defect. The deadline can never be shorter than two months from the time the consumer discovered the defect. However, the complaint must be made no later than six months after the buyer took possession of the product.

In the case of delay, claims must be directed to the seller within a reasonable time after the delivery time has passed and the product has not been delivered. If the product has been paid for with a credit card, the buyer may also choose to make a complaint and submit a claim directly to the credit provider (credit card company). The notification to the seller or credit provider should be in writing (email, fax, or letter).

Law of June 21, 1985, No. 82 on Credit Purchases, etc., Section 8.

If you have any questions, please contact us, and we will assist you to the best of our ability.

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